November, 8 2023
“Following the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022, the police focus turned toward reproductive rights protests. One group, the Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers, a queer-led organization founded in 2020 by young people in the area, was actively monitored for its reproductive justice activism; the group distributes contraception and reproductive health information, shares information about anti-abortion extremists, supports local queer spaces, and promotes harm reduction. According to an email from Medford Police Department’s Antley, the police were alerted to one planned abortion rights protest by Brett White, a member of the Rogue Valley Saltshakers, a far-right anti-abortion group that galvanized the creation of the Pepper Shakers.
“Seeing these emails has proven to us that the police see us as an active threat to our communities, even in the absence of evidence.””
”Strong of the Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers told The Intercept, “I hope the police enjoy watching us serve our community with dignity and autonomy and even learn something from it, but then again — if they had any dignity, they wouldn’t be cops.””
Feb. 22, 2023
“The Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers, a local group who had previously documented Biome’s hateful rhetoric online, reported that Biome was scheduled for burial on February 8th in Ashland, Oregon.”
Sept. 21, 2022
“In 2020, Saltshakers Jon Peterman and Casie May frequently delved in COVID denialism, reposting screeds from Matt Trewhella on Facebook. In 2021, reproductive justice group the Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers—who also provided LCRW with research for this article—-documented Peterman discussing mask mandates while laughing and joking with Biome Erickson, a locally known Nazi. The Pepper Shakers have also documented Saltshakers repeatedly using the n-word. For all their talk about “abolition” and the “abortion Holocaust,” apparently these people harbor deep anti-black racism and pal around with neo-Nazis.”
July 8, 2022
The Absolute State Of Pride Month - The Absolute State Podcast
May 16, 2022
“Opposing the “RV Saltshakers,” though, are the “RV Pepper Shakers.” The antithesis of the Saltshakers, the Pepper Shakers aim to “spread acceptance throughout the Rogue Valley, raise awareness about the services Planned Parenthood provides, raise money for Planned Parenthood and educate people on the Intersectionality of oppression and help to overcome it.””
Oct. 2, 2021
Interview with Ambar Rodriguez at reproductive rights march - KTVL CBS 10 News, Medford
No link available for this segment
“Toren McKnight and Samantha Clum are the RV Pepper Shakers. Together, they have had several face-to-face confrontations with a number of the Saltshakers, particularly Jon and Cassandra “Casie” Peterman, group leader Clement and members such as convicted child abuser Trevor Emptage and Ben Steers.
McKnight, a recent high school graduate, remembered watching the Saltshakers protesting events in Ashland and throughout the Rogue Valley.
“It angered me,” he said. “What they did was wrong and I always wanted to do something about it. Finally, one day, I did do something about it.”
He finally did.
If the Saltshakers were picketing Medford’s Planned Parenthood clinic, McKnight would show up with his own signs. Alone, he would stand there, no matter, the weather, standing his ground despite the heckling and taunts from Saltshakers. Then, one day last year, Clum appeared on the scene.
“I was driving by and saw Toren there and the Saltshakers. I stopped my car and got out, stood there with him,” she said. “I had seen (Saltshakers) protesting and wanted to do something, stand up to them. That day, I finally made the choice.”
The RV Pepper Shakers were born.”
Jul. 21, 2021
Jun. 8, 2021
Note: While the article says we left TikTok, we are still active on that platform.
““This censorship is endemic across the app but doesn’t seem to be affecting right-wing groups or, for that matter, pro-lifers. One activist group, Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers (@rvpeppershakers), which defends Planned Parenthood clinics from so-called 'pro-life' harassment and posts information on abortion resources, is one of many groups facing unnecessary censorship from TikTok.
The group, which amassed 190.4k followers and 2.5 million likes, has now left the app. Its absence from TikTok is a signifier of something even more insidious: the weaponisation of social media platforms’ terms of service against women’s rights. Rogue Valley Pepper Shakers has been hidden, shut down and had content removed because of apparent 'breaches' of TikTok’s terms of service. On one occasion, the group had a post removed for supposed violations to “minor safety”, which suggests that the post was promoting harmful content geared towards minors, or people under the age of 18. When, in fact, the content had been about LGBTQIA rights, firmly rubbing salt in the wound and highlighting antiquated bias against LGBTQIA parents.””
Apr. 7, 2021
KSKQ- We The People, Interview with Jason Houk and Brad Smith
Note: Interview begins at 24:00
-Medford’s tent ban
-Drama at Grants Pass Growers Market
-Threats of violence from saltshakers
-Transphobia in Grants Pass Schools
-More about the Saltshakers
Feb. 24, 2021
KSKQ- We The People, Interview with Jason Houk and Brad Smith
Note: Interview begins at 21:47